Bobby Brim [fr] aka Clementine Poirier is a [non-binary] transdisciplinary’ ’’’transmedia artist who composts their soul according to the cyborg entities they meet on their way. Fluid, creator of images, installations, situations, sounds and digital troubles_
they are working on elaborate data-producing monsters and exploring autonomous worlds. Pixxels,,decibels,,waves,,bodies & collectives are the concrete materials that allow them to probe the transgressive spaces in a post-postconspiracy world.
Bobby Brim's creations function like evolving machines in transformation, constantly consuming and producing data. They are all worlds that are practised, that is to say, that listen to the surrounding life, to the sounds, and to the morphology of the spaces in which they are inscribed. Everything contributes to creating a living situation. Borrowing equally from invisible autobiography, cutting-edge technologies, the world of electronic music and the philosophies of resistance, their live and transmedia performances are to be perceived as autonomous worlds.
Their research is deeply grounded is the fieldwork they undertakes in collaboration with artists, activists and other experimental researchers. The materiality of cyborg extractivism, electromagnetic waves and new electrosensitive hybrid subjectivities, collective infrastructures supporting dissident bodies, and the ethics and agentivity of representation are just some of the elements explored during these investigations.
